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Single Check-up

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Brain Health Screening

中風檢查, 中風風險檢查
中風檢查, 中風風險檢查
Stroke Risk Screening - Automatic Retinal Image Analysis

「中風」由於腦部血管「阻塞」或「爆裂」,令腦組織不能得到充份的養料和氧氣,受影響的神經細胞因而壞死,產生各種神經症狀。 透過全自動視網膜圖像分析 (眼底相),看到一個人眼底的微絲血管是否出現收窄、出血、阻塞,或者特別捲曲、分叉角度異常等特徵 (冠心病、高血壓、糖尿病患者尤其常見徵狀) ,從而可以反映了那人的中風風險是否相當高,從而及早治療 。 

Stroke is caused by "blockage" or "bursting" of blood vessels. Low oxygen and nutrients concentrations may result in necrosis of nerve cells and will trigger neurologic symptoms. Through automatic retinal image analysis (fundus image), we can examine if the capillaries in a person's eyes are narrowed, bleeding, blocked, or having abnormal curvature and bifurcation angles (this is commonly found in patients with coronary heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes). Such features can indicate whether the person is at high risk of stroke, so that early treatment can be given.


COVID-19 Pre-vaccination Health Assessment

Rapid Covid-19 Test


新冠疫苗,接種疫苗, 抗體測試
IgG Antibody Test

IgG抗體血液測試 (COVID-19 Antibody Test) 是快速的免疫色譜自我測試,用作針對血液中SARS-CoV-2的IgG和IgM抗體作定性檢測。此檢測確定你是否接觸過COVID-19病毒,同時亦可以識別無症狀感染,以及生病但已經康復的人。立即了解更多!

IgG Antibody Test (COVID-19 Antibody Test) is an immunochromatographic rapid self-test for the qualitative detection of IgG and IgM antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in blood. The test helps determine if an individual has been exposed to COVID-19, identify people with asymptomatic infections and those who have been infected but recovered. Learn more now.



Circle HealthPod 套裝, 檢測新冠病毒
Circle HealthPod 套裝

Circle HealthPod提供快速且專業的檢測,讓您安坐家中即可輕鬆進行,約20分鐘即可於手機應用程式獲取PCR檢測標準結果。高度準確的系統,通過分子核酸擴大測試,偵測傳染性疾病。首個已完成驗證的測試能檢測新冠病毒,隨時隨地檢測99.9%新冠病毒!

  • 套裝包括HealthPod一個 及 一次性檢測分子囊一個


Pulmonary Examination

肺癌篩查, 肺癌檢查
肺癌篩查, 肺癌檢查
肺炎感染及早期肺癌篩查: 低放射劑量胸腔檢查
Pneumonia Infection and Early Lung Cancer Screening: Low-Dose Chest Examination

肺炎感染及早期肺癌篩查能準確檢測到初期、較細小的腫瘤能發現腫瘤和大致區分其良、惡性,準確率較高。電腦掃描是能準確檢查到肺炎感染及早期肺癌的方法,能發現初期、較細小的腫瘤能發現腫瘤和大致區分其良、惡性,準確率較高。 高危人士如50歲以上、吸煙、經常吸二手煙或有家族病史者應該每年進行一次低幅射量肺癌篩查,減低肺癌引致的死亡風險。

Computerised Pneumonia Infection and Early Lung Cancer Screening can precisely identify small, early-stage tumors and generally distinguish between benign and malignant tumors. It is recommended that high risk groups, such as people aged 50 or above, smokers, frequent second-hand smokers or people with a family history of lung cancer, should conduct the low-dose chest examination annually to reduce the mortality risk of lung cancer.


Thyroid Examination

甲狀腺超聲波, 甲狀腺超聲波掃描, 甲狀腺超聲波香港, 甲狀腺超聲波價錢, 甲狀腺檢查
Thyroid Sonography


Thyroid cancer is one of the top ten most common cancer, with thyroid disorders, such as hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, thyroid nodules, thyroid cancer, thyroid autoimmune disease, prevalent in today's society. We recommend regular thyroid check-up for early detection and prompt treatment. If you find abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland (i.e., goitre) or thyroid nodules, you should seek medical advice as soon as possible.


Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

胃鏡, 照胃鏡, 胃鏡檢查, 胃鏡價錢, 胃鏡收費


Since people with stomach cancer producing no noticeable symptoms in its early stages, by the time symptoms are recognised, the cancer has often reached an advanced stage and may have spread to other parts of the body, which makes the illness even harder to treat. There are several reasons attributed to the cause of stomach cancer, including age, consumption of high-salt and smoked foods, lack of fruits and vegetables intake, family history of stomach cancer, past infection of helicobacter pylori, chronic stomach inflammation, pernicious anaemia, smoking and stomach polyps etc.

腸鏡, 照腸鏡, 照腸鏡價錢, 腸鏡檢查, 腸鏡檢查費用


Colorectal cancer is the most common cancer in Hong Kong. It is treatable if detected early. High risk factors for the disease includes age, family history, and suffering from ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. In addition, Lack of physical activity, a diet high in fat and low in fibre, alcohol and tobacco consumption, and obesity all increase the risk of colorectal cancer. Be aware of the changes in bowel habits (constipation or diarrhoea), blood in the stool, unexplained weight loss, and abdominal discomfort to detect signs of colorectal cancer.

20220726_RH 幽門螺旋桿菌抗原檢測- 幽幽管_thumbnail_without price.jpg
UU Tube – feces Helicobacter pylori antigen test

The only NMPA approved self-testing product for Helicobacter pylori infection. Consistent with the results of testing conduced by a professional; requires only 3 simple steps and provides results in just 10 minutes; Test in the comfort of your own home without a trip to hospital or the need to fasting; Painless, non-invasive and no need to take pills. Check it and rest assured!

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Full Body Posture Assessment

SEMG Spinal Scan Exam


請填寫以下表格登記,或WhatsApp快線查詢及預約:(+852) 6324 5948 請於Whatsapp留下姓名及理想預約日期及分店,於一個工作天內回復。

Register now for a limited-time free test*
For child/adult SEMG spinal scan exam, booking details will be followed up by a professional consultant.

Please fill in the form below, or WhatsApp (+852) 6324 5948 to make an enquiry and booking. Please leave your name, availability and intended branch via WhatsApp. We will respond within a business day.

全身姿態分析, 足部分析, 靜態足檢, 足檢
全身姿態分析, 足部分析, 靜態足檢, 足檢
360 Full-body Posture Assessment with Report


The assessment obtains full-body posture images from different angles for the evaluation of postural problems e.g. kyphosis and faulty posture. The non-invasive detection is safe for children.

步態分析, 足部分析, 靜態足檢, 足檢
步態分析, 足部分析, 靜態足檢, 足檢
Gait Motion Assessment with Report


Through accurate assessment of dynamic gait index, we work out the force and angles acting on the foot by analysing the trajectory of each walking step. The full-body posture assessment also evaluates postural problems e.g., kyphosis and faulty posture.

矯形鞋墊, 足檢
矯形鞋墊, 足檢
Custom Made Orthotics Scheme (with Foot Analysis)


Foot problems prevail at different stages of development or at different ages. Our custom-made insoles provide proper arch support for feet to relieve stress of lower limb and improve the gait, helping to correct the spine and improve joint degeneration while ensuring all joints are aligned.

足部分析, 靜態足檢, 足檢
足部分析, 靜態足檢, 足檢
Foot Assessment with Report


Both feet need to bear the weight of the whole body. After a long day, problems such as pressure on the knee and calf, back pain and soreness might have surfaced. For there is a prolonged stress on feet, coupled with incorrect gait and the shoes we wear every day do not provide the right support, foot health problems such as flat feet, higharched feet, wide flat feet, rear foot valgus, bow legs, O-leg, would emerge. Heel pain, foot pain, foot fatigue are also some issues common among city-dwellers.

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