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9-valent Cervical Cancer Vaccine

Selected Check-up Services
Comprehensive Medical Check-up Package
Pre-conception and Gynaecological Examination
Single Check-up
Tumor and Genetic Testing

Service Description

[Limited-Time Offer] 9-valent Cervical Cancer Vaccine

Cervical cancer is not a hereditary disease. About 99.7% of cervical cancer cases worldwide are diagnosed with human papillomavirus (HPV), which is the culprit of cervical cancer infection. Effective HPV vaccination and regular screening would prevent most cancer cases for male and female.

Exclusive & Safe Vaccination

Comprehensive 9-in-1 Protection
Against nine HPV types (6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52 & 58)
Research proved that 80-90% of HPV-associated cancers and diseases are caused by these 9 HPV types


Check-up Items and Categories

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Why is it crucial to have regular medical check-ups? How often should I have a health screening?

It is recommended that adults aged 18 or above should undergo a regular health screening every year to detect potential health disorders or hidden illnesses. High risk groups and elderly should have their physical examinations every six months as it can be difficult to diagnose diseases in the early stages. Behavioural risk factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption, lack of sleep and exercise are also attributed to poor health, a comprehensive health screening can be conducted to acquire a full understanding of your physical condition. Individuals who have family history with serious illnesses like cancer or heart disease, should undergo appropriate health checks according to their needs.

What are the common health concerns and screening items for men?

Common health concerns in men include heart disease, colorectal cancer, lung cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer, prostate cancer and testicular cancer. Physical examinations for men generally include: routine blood test, test for blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels, hepatitis test, electrocardiogram, chest and abdominal X-ray, faecal occult blood test, tumor markers for pancreatic, nasopharyngeal and prostate cancer, sonography, thyroid function screening, etc. These tests could help to assess top health risks for men, in particular colon cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, coronary heart disease, liver cirrhosis. Consider STD screening, fertility hormone and sexual health screening such as HPV DNA, syphilis spirochetes, HIV antibodies and antigens and testosterone if required, for a better preparation for marriage and childbirth.

What is the typical cost of a medical check-up plan?

re:HEALTH offers a variety of packages for medical check-up. Our standard health check-up package starts from $980, depending on your physical condition and needs. Please leave your name and contact number for enquiries about the check-up fees via WhatsApp. Our customer service team would advise you on the most suitable screening plan for you within a business day.

How long does it take to make an appointment?

Please make your appointment at least 1 working day in advance. Call (852) 2156 5857 or leave your name and contact number via WhatsApp (852) 6324 5948. We will respond within a business day. Depending on packages, some tests will not require you to fast beforehand, for example, it is not needed for HOTMAN System non-invasive cardiovascular examination, thereby test can be scheduled in the afternoon.

Is there anything in particular I should prepare for?

You need to be fasted for eight hours before your blood glucose test, i.e. no food intake in the morning before your examination. Only small portion of water intake is allowed.

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