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The Comprehensive Personal Health Check-up (103 items)

Selected Check-up Services
Comprehensive Medical Check-up Package
Pre-conception and Gynaecological Examination
Single Check-up
Tumor and Genetic Testing

Service Description

Through our one-stop service, registered dietitians would provide professional counselling services for all members while our registered physicians explain the test result for you. For enquiry about the price of the programme, please contact re:HEALTH. One-stop Service Mechanism Result Explained by Registered Physicians Professional Health Consulting Services Body Check-up Service Flow Station 1 Reception -> Station 2 Changing Room -> Station 3 Consultation Room -> Station 4 Laboratory: Blood Tests -> Station 5 Fertility Hormones Test Room -> Station 6 Laboratory -> Station 7 General Examination Room -> Station 8 Electrocardiogram Room -> Station 9 Sonography Room -> Station 10 Vision & Ocular Tension Room -> Station 11 Audiology Test Room -> Station 12 Pap Smear Room -> Station 13 Chiropractic Room -> Station 14 Chest & Abdominal X-ray Room -> Station 15 Bone Densitometry(Dexa) Room -> Station 16 Light Meal Lounge-> Station 17 Physician Consultation Room -> Station 18 Diet Consultation Room

The Comprehensive Personal Health Check-up (103 items) is a full-body check-up, covering electrocardiogram test, abdominal sonography and upper gastrointestinal series, abdominal and chest X-ray, spine examination, liver, gallbladder and kidney function, hepatitis, electrocardiogram, gynaecological examination, sex hormones and health, thyroid function, sonography, etc. We take steps to improve your health by looking into your habits, nutritional intake and exercise adequacy, thus formulating the well-rounded health improvement programme for you. Kick-start a healthy lifestyle to unleash your full potential now!

Regular health check is crucial. We take steps to improve your health by looking into your habits, nutritional intake and exercise adequacy, thus formulating the well-rounded health improvement programme for you. Kick-start a healthy lifestyle to unleash your full potential now!

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Pricing of Comprehensive Health Screening Member’s Half-price Discount: $8,288 (Standard price: $16,580)* *Exclusive for Mong Kok branch


Check-up Items and Categories

Blood Test

Routine Blood Test (10 items)

Blood Type Test

Diabetes Test

Uric acid test

Tissue Inflammation Screening

Thyroid Function Screening

Metabolic and Nutritional Screening

Liver, Gallbladder and Kidney Function Tests

Liver Function Test

Biliary Function Test

Kidney Function Test

Lipid Profile Test (5 items)



High-density and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol

Hepatitis Screening (4 items)

Hepatitis A Surface Antibody

 Hepatitis B Surface Antigen

 Hepatitis B Surface Antibody

 Hepatitis C Surface Antibody

Heart Disease Risk Screening (2 items)

High-sensitivity Cardiac Troponin-I


Sonography and X-ray
Chest and Abdominal X-ray
Sonography of Upper Abdomen (7 items)
Sonography of Other Areas (1 of 5)
Tumor Marker Test

Nasopharyngeal Cancer Viral Antibody

 Breast Tumor Marker (CA15.3) (Female)

 Ovarian Tumor Marker (CA125) (Female)

 Prostate Cancer Screening (PSA) (Male)

 Pancreatic Tumor Marker (CA19.9) (Female)

 Foetal Protein A

 Carcinoembryonic Antigen

Gynaecological Examination

 Pap Smear

Hormonal and Sexual Health Screening

 Anti-Müllerian Hormone AMH (Female)

 Testosterone (male)

 Syphilis Spirochete Antibodies

 HIV Antibodies and Antigens

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Terms and Conditions: 
1. The above item is only applicable for members of EC Healthcare aged 18 or above. 
2. The item can only be used once per individual; it cannot be exchanged for cash and other forms of goods and services.
3. Valid identification documents must be presented for registration prior to the treatment.
4. Customers should be aware of and agree to the treatment and its contents before receiving the treatment.
5. The Company reserves the right to withdraw, change, add or alter these terms and conditions without prior notice. 
6. In case of dispute, the decision of EC Healthcare shall be final.



What age should I do a regular full-body check-up? 

It is recommended that adults aged 18 or above should undergo a regular health screening every year to detect potential health disorders or hidden illnesses. High risk groups and elderly should have their physical examinations every six months as it can be difficult to diagnose diseases in the early stages. 

Behavioural risk factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption, lack of sleep and exercise are also attributed to poor health, a comprehensive health screening can be conducted to acquire a full understanding of your physical condition. Individuals who had family history with serious illnesses like cancer or heart disease, should undergo appropriate health checks according to their needs. Starting around age 20, women should get a gynaecological check-up regularly for a better understanding of their health conditions. 

Some gynaecological illnesses have no early symptoms, such as cervical cancer, breast cancer, ovarian tumors/ fibroids, sexually-transmitted diseases and osteoporosis which is more common in older women. We offer a wide range of gynaecological screening programmes, including cervical smear, AMH, calcium, hormones test, sonography of breast and uterine cavity, mammography, CA15.3 breast and CA125 ovarian tumor marker etc., which are administered by reliable professionals through our one-stop service.

What is AMH? How does it differ from other predictors in assessing ovarian function?


Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) testing is a key predictor used to evaluate the competency of ovarian function by blood sampling.

AMH level dwindles steadily as ovarian function declines with age. Therefore, of all the methods used to detect ovarian function, the AMH value is the earliest to screen for ovarian failure. AMH level is not affected by the menstrual cycle, and thus the concentration of blood drawn at any time is equally stable. Young women can reveal premature ovarian failure by AMH screening, thereby enabling prompt treatment to better prepare for marriage and childbirth.

What are the common health concerns and screening items for men?

Common health concerns for men include heart disease, colorectal cancer, lung cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer, prostate cancer and testicular cancer, etc. The Premium Health Check Plan (98 items) covers routine blood test, test for blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels, hepatitis tests, electrocardiogram, chest & abdominal X-ray, faecal occult blood test, tumor markers for stomach, pancreatic, nasopharyngeal and prostate cancers, sonography, thyroid function screening, etc. These tests could help to assess top health risks for men, in particular colon cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, coronary heart disease, liver cirrhosis.

Premium Health Check Plan (98 items) is a one-stop health screening programme covering STD screening, fertility hormone and sexual health screening for syphilis spirochetes, HIV antibodies/antigens, and testosterone detection, for a better preparation for marriage and childbirth.

What is more in the Comprehensive Health Screening (103 items) than the Premium Health Check Plan (98 items)?

The Comprehensive Health Screening (103 items) includes a hearing examination (external auditory canal, frequency, hearing sensitivity, binaural separation test), full dental X-ray, dental summary, dietitian consultation, bone density screening - lumbar DEXA, all of which are not included in the Premium Health Check Plan (98 items).

How long does a full-body check-up take?

The Comprehensive Health Screening (103 items) can be completed in a day.

Is there anything in particular I should prepare for?

You need to be fasted for eight hours before your blood glucose test, i.e. no food intake in the morning before your examination. Only small portion of water intake is allowed. It is best for women to avoid the check-up during menstruation.

Can I ask for a female doctor?

Yes, our medical team includes female healthcare professionals.

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